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One of the reasons I like to study medicine is because I would love to be a doctor. Another reason is the thought curing people with medical health. I believe medicine has a lot to do with a lot with people’s every day life’s. Theses are examples of why I love medicine
Adam and Eve
Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Theif!
The Stuffed Animal
“Your mom is here”, exclaimed my nanna, “Ok”, I said. I was in my grandparents kitchen coloring away, when she told me this. “I think she has something for you”, my nanna said with excitement in her voice. That is when I raced outside to see what I was going to receive.
I ran outside, and I saw my mom carrying a big spotted dog, which through my gleaming eyes was a stuffed animal. Then it hit me it was not a stuffed animal, it was a dalmatian!
I then began to pet her , although she was trying to get away , because she was so scared. I had knew my dad had wanted a dalmation but I didn’t know we were getting one.
Here came the questions, I asked “Where did you get her”, my mom responded with”Canton”, which was usual, we got all our dogs there. I was asking her all kinds of questions, along with my grandma. We asked like who were you with, was other dogs there, how much did she cost, etc.
Next came name time, which by then my grandpa and dad had arrived. We started to think, and we all began to pace, for a minute, then names were thrown out at each one another. I yelled “How about Gracie”! There was other replies though, my dad’s idea was Dallas, but it seemed to boy like. My grandparents said they would call her Gracie though. The name ended up being Dallas though, which, now I believe is perfect.
It then became time to leave.My grandparents helped us load up in the car, and off we went, we rode all the way home with smiles on our faces, and my dog shaking of scaredness!
One thing I learned about this is simple things can turn into big things.Still to this day my dog Dallas lives with me. She is the best dog, along with my other dogs, thank God I have her. Still to this day I can pet her, and feel at least a little more happier.
Early Civilization
The noise I hear ,
Forever going,
Is like disruption to my life,
I will stand up to it,
I will not be afraid of it,
It will have no threats upon me,
For I have God with me,
Disruption will not make me,
Disruption will not change me,
Disruption is another wall,
That I will knock down,
Or it will push me back,
I will stand up to disruption.
God Made This Sense Really Well
Touch, it makes my life better in a lot of ways, so here is a few. When I hug my mom and dad I love to feel their warmth, the feel of safety. I love it also, because if I am sick, bleeding, or anything I can feel it.Touch is something everybody needs, it helps you know what to stay away from. Touch lets you feel if anyone else is sick, by feeling their head to see if they are running fever. It also helps you know we’re to put your hand to like get a drink. Touch is a way of getting around without having to see, or hear.
My life without touch wouldn’t be that great. Without it I couldn’t feel if I was hurt. We Wouldn’t be able to remember a pet or person the way their hug felt or the way they felt before they died. I would not know if I was being hurt, or burning. In the winter time we wouldn’t be able to feel the snow, or the coldness. Touching may not be your favorite sense, but God made this one really well, just like the rest.
My Hero Will Live Forever…..
He is God. God created the world, and us, because He has the love of nobody else. He sent His only Son, Jesus to die for us. Here are more reasons He is my hero…
Nobody is more trustworthy than God. Well there is proof in the Bible that God is trustworthy like when God led the Israelites out of Egypt, and when I have had hard homework assignments but I do it trusting that God will help me get a good grade and help me get through it. I have trusted Him when a family member dies that it is for the best. God is the one you can go to with any problem. Another way I know I can trust Him is that He sent Jesus, His Son to die on the Cross for my sins so I know He wouldn’t try to fool me.
God is also more than as loving as can be. He loves us so much He sent His only Son, Jesus To be tortured and hung on the Cross so we could have forgiveness, and be able to live with Him forever. Another way that God is my hero by love is that He is always helping me get through difficult times One other thing that shows He loves me is that He forgives me I ask for forgiveness and I get it, and I asked His Son Jesus to come into my heart and save me from my sins.
When you think or pray to Him it is a wonderful feeling. I have learned a lot because of Him, but one thing I learned from Him is that you need to love. These were some different ways He is a Hero but there’s many more ways.