“What’s he doing?” said mom. We had made our way through the crowd to the front, to spot this magnificent grey creature, we immediately pulled out our phones to video this creature, and to make sure he’s in our memory’s.
“What is he doing?” I said, “I think he’s trying to sit on that rock”, my mom said.
Who knew what that enormous grey living thing was doing, he just kept on trying and kept on trying I guess he was trying to sit on that rock (who knows). There was laughter (“Ha ha ha”), and people tapping the button on their phones to video and take pictures (“da da”), you could also hear that elephant blow his trumpet like trunk (“Hmmmmm”)
The triumphant grey elephant was even being watched by the two large brown spotted giraffes that were close to where we were standing.
We assume this beautiful elephant was trying to sit on this gigantic rock, but we will never know, we had to end up leaving that part of the zoo because we couldn’t sit there all day, and that elephant wasn’t giving up.
This elephant didn’t seem to care what everyone thought he knew God made him perfect and wonderful in his own way, so next time you think well I’m not gonna do that great thing because she may not be my friend, or whatever your situation is think of that elephant, and think to yourself God made me perfect and wonderful in my own way, and truthfully only God’s opinion matters.