What good is having guns when the criminals have more control when it comes to guns? If we got stricter gun control laws the criminals would find away to get guns, it would be punishing the good guys, by taking away their freedom, and it could lead people to think that the government is trying to take control. It wouldn’t’ be easy to live in a world where your family members or you had no way to defend yourselves from the criminals on the street. Decide if you want to take away your freedom and defense.
The same way drugs are illegal if stricter gun laws were implied then the criminals would still get ahold of them. According to an ATF agent the criminals get guns by sources allowing them to fall into the wrong hands, or people sell them illegally. (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/guns/procon/guns.html). Just as how the cartel distributes drugs throughout our country they can do the same with guns. Making laws has not stopped them or they wouldn’t be called criminals; they would find a way to get the guns rather it was illegal or not. Most of the time these criminals have served jail time or will serve jail time and most of the time they believe that the jail time is worth it.
What good is taking away the defense of the good guys when the criminals don’t follow the same rule. A mom at the park with her little girl while her husband is at work has no way to defend herself when a criminal comes up with a gun threatening her daughter, and her own life. This is why we don’t need stricter gun control lies, to protect the defenseless. Many people nowadays are scared to go csomewhere without protection. According to an article by Michael Sydner (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/crime-is-getting-worse-violent-crime-in-america-increased-by-15-percent-last-year) the crime rate grew 15% last year and is approximately double in six years. As our country grows the crime rate grows.
“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.” -Adolf Hitler. One of the most memorable and dishonorable part of history was the part where Adolf Hitler lived and he believed by disarming the citizens you can conquer a nation. Although these are Adolf Hitler’s words many people believe it. The more and more freedoms that are taken away from the citizens the more and more they believe they are trying to be conquered. The last thing that is needed in our nation is more riots, or more people believing the government is against the citizens. Stricter gun control would hurt the loyalty, trust, and bond between the government and the people of our country. This is greatly needed. How much would you believe in the government if they took
Decide, do you want to not to be able to defend yourself when you go to the store from the criminal who will have a gun no matter what. The bad guys are going to find away to get the guns, the good guys don’t deserve to lose their freedom for what other’s do, and this could make the government look as if it is trying to take complete control. Is the small chance that these laws will take away a criminal’s gun worth the loss of yours?