Swallowing Stones
This book is set in the modern times of today. It is a small town where everyone knows everyone. That’s one of the reasons everyone is so connected…which isn’t always a good thing… if you’re trying to hide something.
I’ve never experienced what these characters have experienced, but the author made me feel as if I could feel what they felt. When a shot is fired in the neighborhood and a girl, Jenna, watches her dad fall from the roof, it gives you chills as everyone scrambles to figure out a way to put everything together.
Michael is a party, don’t’-really-care type. He’s a jock that’s too good for everyone. His whole demeanor changes though when a shot was fired. He begins to care more fully for each and everyday. Michael finds out things about himself and others that he never would have paid attention to before.
Joey is Michael’s best friend. He loves the excitement of everything and convinces Michael to not tell the police about the things he knew about jenna’s dad being shot. He was also the party type so all of this stuff hyped him up until it was him that was put in Michael’s position, then his perspective changes. He is willing to do anything for Michael though… including lying.
Michael and Jenna have a weird connection, although they had never meant each other they felt like they knew each other. Jenna was one of the more popular girls, she had a lot of friends. Jenna throughout the story learned to forgive and cherish every moment. She was sweet but never before had she defied the code and talked to Amy Ruggiero, but one day she did..
Amy caked oh her makeup, had no friends, and felt as if she always had to prove herself to everyone. She was cast out by Michael until he began to talk to her and she was really nice and normal. She also had a huge connection with Jenna , Amy’s parents had died in a car wreck so she wanted to help Jenna as much as she could.
Jason was Jenna’s boyfriend and he was confused throughout the whole book. He really did love Jenna. He got in the way a lot though, because no one could tell him what was going on.
Darcy on the other hand, Michael’s girlfriends only made things worse. As a very jealous, and selfish girl she got her friends together and they told Amy that Michael only was around her because he wanted to win a bet. She only caused more problems for Michael.
This book is so easy to relate to though, because it is in such a modern setting, and it seems so realistic. It is also filled with a diverse group of characters. All of the characters come from different backgrounds but they all somehow connect.
This book also has a bunch of different feelings combined from guilt to love the book puts you on emotional roller coaster. It’s the type of book where you never want to put it down. It keeps you so emotionally tied that you can relate to the characters.
This is a great book. There is love, guilt, and death all intertwined. To find out more you’ll have to read the book.