Touch, it makes my life better in a lot of ways, so here is a few. When I hug my mom and dad I love to feel their warmth, the feel of safety. I love it also, because if I am sick, bleeding, or anything I can feel it.Touch is something everybody needs, it helps you know what to stay away from. Touch lets you feel if anyone else is sick, by feeling their head to see if they are running fever. It also helps you know we’re to put your hand to like get a drink. Touch is a way of getting around without having to see, or hear.
My life without touch wouldn’t be that great. Without it I couldn’t feel if I was hurt. We Wouldn’t be able to remember a pet or person the way their hug felt or the way they felt before they died. I would not know if I was being hurt, or burning. In the winter time we wouldn’t be able to feel the snow, or the coldness. Touching may not be your favorite sense, but God made this one really well, just like the rest.